Plastik waste in Indonesia reaches 5.4 million tons per year. The Indonesia Solid Waste Association (InSWA) calls on the public to use environmentally friendly plastiks, because the presence of plastik waste that is not decomposed by the environment will have an impact on the environment. It took a long time, namely thousands of years of the process of decomposing the environment. One of the biggest products produced by the Indonesian community for environmentally unfriendly plastik waste is used bottled drinking water (AMDK). The goal of community empowerment is to empower housewives and provide training on the use of used bottles as hydroponic plants. The hydroponic farming sistem is farming using water, soil, or foam media with a narrow yard area. The output in this community service is to utilize used bottles, increase knowledge about hydroponic plants, and keep the environment free of plastik waste. To achieve the planned output target, community service activities are carried out in the following stages: 1) presentation of material, 2) Training and Practices of Making Hydroponics using used bottles, 3) Assistance activities for one month made by each house, 4) Evaluation of activities is a very enthusiastic participant in planting hydroponics using used bottles, and more than 15 houses plant hydroponics in their respective homes. In the working area of the Kamang Magek Health Center
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