Smoking is a behavior that disturbs health because it can cause various health problems in the future. Hypnotherapy is a therapy that can be done to reduce the intensity of the smoking habit. This community service is carried out to reduce smoking habits in adolescents by providing counseling on the dangers of smoking and the application of hypnotherapy to male adolescents in grade IX SMPN 4 Bukittinggi City. The method of activity carried out is to provide counseling about the dangers of smoking and provide orientation (introduction) about hypnotherapy as well as to apply hypnotherapy to teenage boys. The results of the counseling on the dangers of smoking and the application of hypnotherapy, from 75 male students, there were 40% who had tried smoking. 34.6% of students who smoke and follow hypnotherapy. After participating in hypnotherapy activities, 76.9% of participants who took part in hypnotherapy said they did not want to smoke anymore. It can be concluded that the implementation of hypnotherapy in instilling suggestions for the dangers of smoking and quitting smoking can reduce smoking habits in adolescent boys. It is recommended that high schools, especially at the youth level, apply hypnotherapy with simple suggestions given continuously by teachers and families at home.
Keywords: The Dangers of Smoking, Hypnotherapy
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