Fitria Fatma, Hazanita Jumiaty


Plastic waste dominates the amount in Indonesia at 67%. Plastic waste is waste that is difficult to decompose so that it damages the environment, and has an impact on public health. The amount of waste production is related to the population. Moreover, the city of Bukittinggi which is increasing every year in terms of population, and tourist visits to the city of Bukittinggi as a tourist city have become a pile of garbage. The partners' main problems are the lack of knowledge and the residential environment where there is a lot of plastic waste that is scattered and not used. The right way to do community service regarding the use of plastic waste is the trashion method. This method is easy and takes a short time, and brilliant ideas in creating new products from plastic waste are carried out by the community. This socialization activity aims to make partners or the surrounding community aware of the benefits and advantages of plastic waste that can be utilized and recycled into useful goods, and plastic waste is not thrown anywhere. The community service method is carried out by means of lectures, community development and training. The target of community service is women traders and visitors (mothers and teenagers) who play and exercise in the canteen field. Activities are carried out on Sundays for 1 (one) day. The community was very enthusiastic about the activity, the material was provided in an interesting way and stimulated in designing the manufacture of new products from waste.

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Empowering Society Journal
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