Debby Yolanda, Kriscillia Molly Morita, Siska Damaiyanti, Junaidy S Rustam


The occurrence of physiological changes during pregnancy resulted in partial immunity decreased so that the data had a serious impact on pregnant women, this is the cause of pregnant women being made vulnerable groups at risk of being infected with COVID-19. The purpose of this PKM is given knowledge and understanding about staying healthy through pregnancy and techniques to manage anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic and Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant women. PKM results obtained before counseling, many pregnant women have low knowledge about the prevention of covid 19 transmission, low knowledge about the covid 19 vaccine and low knowledge of anxiety lobbiing during the pandemic. After counseling, many pregnant women have high knowledge about the prevention of covid 19 transmission, high knowledge about the covid 19 vaccine and high knowledge of anxiety during the pandemic. It is expected for the government to raise the profile of information about good covid-19 vaccination and put warning labels on bad information by blocking websites that spread false information about the covid-19 vaccine circulating on social media.

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