cici aprilliani, Neila Sulung


The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 said that psychological disorders because of tired are the number 2 killer disease after heart disease. The method of implementing this activity is to use the Problem Solving Cycle method, to examine the problem of experiencing complaints of fatigue due to work such as loss of concentration, pain in the hands and feet, feeling heavy and stiff in the head due to the workload carried out. This service activity was carried out for one week from November 8 to 21, 2021. The results of the situation analysis, the problem was taken from the Occupational Health and Safety program at the Garegeh gas station in Bukittinggi City, and the identification of the problem found that the problem was work fatigue. The intervention were given providing education and counseling on occupational health and safety, as well as outreach to reduce work fatigue by consuming nutritious but economical food. During the implementation of this service activity, it is carried out according to the plans that have been made. There are several obstacles when implementing intervention activities, namely: there are still workers who are less concerned about occupational health. It is hoped that the head of the Garegeh gas station can provide education to workers about the importance of maintaining occupational health and safety, especially in the occupational health and safety program.

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