Maisyarah.M may, Athosra Athosra, Nurdin Nurdin, Adriani Adriani, Cici Aprilliani


Tuberculosis  the second leading cause of death in the world after HIV, according  WHO 1.5 million people worldwide die from TB. Indonesia is the 3rd country with the most TB cases after India. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesia is 10% of cases, in Bukittinggi the achievement of the Lung TB program 57%, one of the obstacles in achieving the target, there are still few TB suspects and there is still community behavior about treatment related TB treatment behavior and responsibility and effective methods for counseling to improve patient behavior.The implementation of this service activity is to use the counseling method to change the behavior of TB patients during the treatment period. This  starts from preparation, preparation for implementation counseling, implementation of counseling and evaluation. The service activities were carried out for one month from 1-30 March 2019.The intervention activity carried out was providing counseling to pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Bukittinggi. During the implementation of this service activity is carried out according to the plan and schedule that has been made. There were several obstacles during the implementation of intervention activities, namely that there were still patients and their families who had negative attitudes and had low motivation during the treatment period. It is hoped that Health center officers who hold TB programs can provide counseling to patients and families about the importance of being complete undergoing the treatment period.

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Empowering Society Journal
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