yellyta ulsafitri handayani


During  pregnancy  anemia  often  occurs,  anemia  is  a  term  that  is  often  used  for  a decrease in hemoglobin (Hb) levels. In Indonesia, in light of the consequences of Riskesdas in 2018, the pervasiveness of weakness in pregnant ladies was 48.9 %. Anemia during pregnancy can increase the risk of death  during  childbirth,  give birth  to  babies  with  low  birth  weight,  miscarriage  and increase the risk of premature birth. Health promotion activities through the provision of  red  spinach  juice  can  be  used  as  an  alternative  in  socializing  the  prevention  and treatment  of  anemia  in  pregnant  women. The  purpose  of  implementing  community service  is  to  maintain  the  health  quality  of  pregnant  women  so  that  they  are  not  at risk  of  anemia  during  pregnancy  through  health  promotion  and  providing  simple treatment  through  the  provision  of  red  spinach  juice. This  community  service  was carried  out  for one  days  at  the BPM Fifi Yanti Bukittinggi. The community service method used is providing health education of  red  spinach  juice can  be  used  as  an  alternative  and treatment  of  anemia  in  pregnant  women. The result of this Community Service is that pregnant women are able to apply of  red  spinach  juice.

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