media fitri, Yessi Ardiani, Retri Syafarinda, Nadia Aprillia Bakhtiar


Stunting is one of the nutritional problems in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting is currently still at 24.4 percent or 5.33 million children under five. The Indonesian government is targeting the stunting reduction rate to be 14 percent in 2024. So that we as health workers must try to reduce stunting rates with various innovative interventions that can be carried out since pregnant women. One of the targets for handling stunting is pregnant women, so the purpose of the service is innovation in handling stunting in the form of massage for pregnant women to reduce muscle tension and third trimester discomfort. With this service, it is hoped that pregnant women can overcome the discomfort of the third trimester on their own so that pregnant women do not come to the shaman to do a massage. So that pregnancy can develop normally and there are no complications in pregnancy. The community service method used is providing health education, training pregnant women about massage for third trimester pregnant women. The result of this Community Service is that pregnant women are able to apply massage to pregnant women and can teach their husbands how to do massages for pregnant women.

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