Vina Novela, Evi Hasnita, disa desfaryan, Hilda Fahriza, Rico Kurniawan


Latrine is an effective feces disposal facility to break the chain of disease transmission, faeces are stored in private or communal septic tanks. One of the efforts to prevent the development of disease and keep the environment clean and healthy is by building latrines in every house. Healthy latrines are effective in breaking the chain of disease transmission. Healthy latrines must be built and owned by the family. The methods used in this study were observation, interviews and counseling to the community in the working area of the Pariangan Public Health Center, the data used were secondary data obtained from the puskesmas. To achieve the goal of population coverage for ownership of healthy latrine facilities, the Pariangan Public Health Center has set priority issues, namely in the environmental health program ownership of healthy latrine facilities with GAP (42%).

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