Fitria Fatma, Adriani Suwito


The waste problem is a polemic in the present and in the future, because it has an impact on health, social life and the environment. In Indonesian solid waste statistics. Based on Indonesian waste statistics, it is stated that out of Indonesia's total population of 232.8 million people, the total waste generated is 38.5 million tonnes/year. This community service was held on Sunday morning at the Bukittinggi City Canteen Square. Many people visit the Lapangan Kantin for sports and refreshments, as well as to gain skills in waste management. The implementation of this activity was carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely, counseling using leaflet media, practicing composting, and stimulating waste recyclers. Counseling activities were carried out in the canteen field, after the counseling was carried out practical activities on making compost and stimulating waste recycling in one of the community houses close to the Lapangan Kantin

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