Media Fitri, Dina Olivia, Asyfa Ramadila


Rheumatic disease is often experienced by someone who is at an advanced age due to calcification of the joints, so that people who suffer from this disease experience joint pain and limited movement. The results of interviews with pustu midwives found that 64% of the elderly experienced symptoms of joint pain and swollen feet. One of the efforts made is to conduct a comprehensive health check on the elderly, starting from checking blood pressure, height, weight, checking blood sugar and checking uric acid as well as health screening. The purpose of this community service is promotive and preventive efforts in health problems in the elderly. The method of implementing this activity is the stage of carrying out health checks and health education for the elderly. After the community service was carried out, the results of the elderly health examination were obtained and the increase in the knowledge of the elderly about their health status.

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