Beny Rahim, Ashar Nuzulul Putra, Andree Aulia Rahmat


Stunting can occur because one of the factors is the mother's education which has an impact on the mother's low knowledge about stunting and also the mother's inappropriate parenting patterns. Based on a survey conducted in Muaro Singoan Village, Muara Bulian District, Batang Hari Regency, Jambi Province, shows that there are still people who ignore the importance of nutritional intake and the majority of people have insufficient knowledge and awareness about stunting prevention. Collaboration from various parties is needed to launch a stunting prevention program in the community. Various methods and approaches are required for its implementation. The community service team from FKIK UNJA is trying to play a role in the stunting prevention program in Muaro Singoan Village by holding stunting prevention training with parenting for families. The material provided varies from cultivating religion in the family, cultivating culture in the family, digital literacy for parenting and stunting prevention, as well as steps to prevent stunting in the family. The method used is to provide training materials to participants. The result of the training carried out was an increase in participants' knowledge and abilities in the field of parenting and preventing stunting in the family

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