Preventive efforts to prevent water reservoirs from breeding for Aedes Sp. controlled and supervised periodically and routinely. Hand washing facilities produce puddles of water as a response to new habits, which is a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially those of the Aedes aegypti species. The condition of the water reservoir used has become stagnant. Density parameters with increasing type and number of containers do not match the larvae-free rate of 95%. 20 The larva monitoring group is a health cadre in the working area of the Pauh Community Health Center who plays a role in disseminating information and monitoring the density of larvae. The aim of the service is to apply research results to increase understanding and skills in forming independent community groups by utilizing the delivery of information communication and education (KIE) regarding controlling mosquito nests for fever. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the introduction of mosquitoes. Through assistance, 75% understand nests, 56% understand the proliferation of water reservoirs and 90% agree with controlling hand washing containers, all Bundo take part in activity demonstrations and distribute them to the community in RT/RW periodically and encourage them to eradicate mosquito breading.
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