Ayu Wahyuni, Vitria Komala Sari


Landslide disasters occur very often in Indonesia, including West Sumatra Province, affecting various places, regions or regions, one of which is lakes. Lake Maninjau is a lake located in Agam Regency, it is a volcanic lake at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level, with an area of around 99.5 km², has a maximum depth of 495 meters and is very vulnerable to disasters. Management of the impact of disasters, both prevention and handling, has been carried out by the local government before and after the disaster. Not only this, the importance of public awareness due to disasters is also an indicator of public concern for the surrounding environment so as not to cause or spread disease which has an impact on the imbalance of various environmental factors. This community service aims to increase public awareness of various efforts to prevent diseases that arise by involving health volunteers who work directly in the community. The method for implementing this service activity uses the "Problem Solving Cycle" method to examine various health problems encountered by analyzing the situation, identifying problems, prioritizing problems, analyzing the causes of problems, alternative problem solving and intervention activities. This service activity was carried out over two intervention days on 15 and 16 July 2023 in the Salingka Lake Maninjau area. The results of the situation analysis are carried out by identifying problems that must be addressed first. The activities carried out are measuring blood pressure, pulse, temperature and respiration, providing education regarding perceived health problems, providing massage therapy and administering medication. It is hoped that the public will care about health problems, especially as a result of disasters that have occurred, apply education and follow-up health checks if they still have complaints.

Keywords: Natural disaster management, social service


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UU No.24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana.


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