Rahmi Hidayanti, Afridon Afridon, Lindawati Lindawati


Waste is the residue of human day-to-day activities and or natural processes that are densely shaped. A group of people who use garbage for their livelihoods is known as a drill. Around 15 million of the developing world work in dangerous and unhygienic places. Garbage harvesting is a major source of livelihood, especially for the poor in urban areas. This activity aims to provide education to rollers who use APD while working to avoid complaints of illness due to contact with garbage. Activities can also be done by broadcasting learning videos about the use of APD at work while providing self-protection tools. Activities were carried out at the Cold Water TPA of Padang City in April and November 2023. Educational and socialization activities are carried out by students in the method of lectures and questions. The presentation material was delivered by the student. Some of the students we have joined in this activity are on duty to help carry out the activities according to their job description. The implementation phase begins with conducting interviews using questionnaires to dig information on APD and personal hygiene and disease risk from contact with garbage. The following is an example of the application of APD with demonstration methods to the participants. Self-protection items are helmets, masks and boots. After the examination material was submitted, the re-interview was conducted with the drillers. Almost all rollers don't wear masks and gloves. Some rollers who use masks are one-time masks they've been using over and over again, which is not in line with health standards. The mask is dirty and polluted. Rollers also don't all wear gloves

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