Backgrounds: Continuous malnutrition can result in Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in pregnant women. Integrated Sigizi data cut off January 22, 2024 showed that the prevalence of KEK in Indonesia in 2023 was 8.81%, while the prevalence of KEK in West Sumatra Province was 10.3%. The impact of malnutrition on pregnant women is low birth weight (LBW), anemia, bleeding during childbirth, miscarriage, susceptibility to infection, stillbirth and congenital abnormalities. Efforts to prevent CED in pregnant women can be done by consuming balanced nutritious food which can be done with the contents of a pregnant woman's plate. The aim of this community service activity is to educate pregnant women about the nutrition of pregnant women with my meal dish content.
Methods: The method of this activity is carried out by education through 3 stages are preparation, implementation and evaluation and the number of participants is 25 pregnant women.
Result:The results of this activity were that 85% of participants were able to understand the nutrition of pregnant women and my meal dish content for pregnant women.
Conclusion: Pregnant women can implement my meal dish content at home as an effort so that pregnant women can consume food with balanced nutrition so that the need for nutritional intake during pregnancy is met which is useful for optimal growth and development of the fetus which will have an impact on reducing maternal and Infant morbidity and mortality rates.
Keywords: Education, Nutrition of pregnant women, My meal dish content.
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