Teenagers play an important role in preventing stunting, which is a condition of growth failure in children under five years old due to malnutrition and repeated infections. Activity method: This community service program targets teenagers and parents. The types of issues addressed in this program include the active role of adolescents in efforts to prevent stunting. The solution offered for this problem is outreach on stunting prevention efforts for adolescents. Results: Before the counseling is conducted, a pre-test is carried out to assess the level of knowledge of adolescents regarding the material to be presented, in this case, knowledge about efforts to prevent stunting in adolescents. After the counseling is provided, a post-test is conducted to assess the respondents' level of knowledge regarding the material after the activity is completed. Conclusion: There was an increase in respondents' knowledge from before listening to the presentation of the material to after listening to the presentation
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Empowering Society Journal
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© Empowering Society Journal e-ISSN: 2775-2402