Carbon monoxide is a chemical that may damage the respiratory system. It can be controlled by using powdered of Powder of Sansevieria leaves. The purpose of this research was to determine The Effectiveness of Sansevieria Leaves by Using Time Variations toward Carbon Monoxide Levels Neutralization in Cigarette Smoke.
This research used experimental design with the dependent variable was carbon monoxide level and independent variable was sansevieria leaves powder. It was conducted on July 10 to July 21, 2019. The data were taken by PPM. The average of sansevieria leaves powder 30 gr by using a time variation was 6.12,24 and 48 hours. The data were analyzed by Anova test with post test only approach.
The results showed that the 4 treatment groups for neutralizing carbon monoxide levels were by using sansevieria leaves - powder at 24 hours with P = 0.277 and 48 hours with p = 0.505.
It can be concluded that sansevieria leaves powder is able to neutralize carbon monoxide levels in cigarette smoke. For this reason, it is hoped that these leaves can be used and applied especially for families who smoke and other health agencies.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32883/jph.v1i1.1227
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