The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) is currently getting very important attention because of the high number of work accidents. The problems that are often encountered with the implementation of SMK3 in PT. RohulSawit Industry is the lack of awareness of workers to implement the SMK3 policy. This study aims to find out how the implementation of SMK3 in the palm oil mill of PT. RohulSawit Industry in 2021.
This research method is qualitative by looking at the input, process, and output components of the implementation of the SMK3 policy. There were 8 informants who came from the management of the SMK3 implementation as many as 5 people and the program target (employees) 3 people. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation.Data processing by reducing, presenting and drawing conclusions.
The results showed that the implementation of SMK3 at PT. RohulSawit Industry is running well so that the company has obtained a zero fatality certificate, an ISO 14001 certificate and an RSPO certificate. The main problem in implementing SMK3 at PT. RohulSawit Industry is that there are still a small number of employees who are not disciplined in the use of PPE. Application of SMK3 at PT. RohulSawit Industry has been able to reduce the risk of work accidents, so that throughout 2021 there were no fatal work accidents.
It was concluded that the application of SMK3 at PT. Rohul Sawit Industry has been running well and has produced positive outputs for both the company and employees. It is hoped that PT. RohulSawitIndustri to always maintain and improve the implementation of the SMK3 policy so that occupational safety and health in the company is maintained and the company is able to create a comfortable, efficient work environment for all employees.
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