Hypertension in Pregnancy is a major cause of Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2021), Indonesia has a prevalence of hypertension in pregnant women of 12.7%. In 2021, West Sumatra Province reported that hypertension in pregnant women was 25.1% (Sapardi, 2022). Meanwhile, in 2022 Solok Regency reported that of the 19 existing Community Health Centers, Singkarak Community Health Center was the Community Health Center with the highest prevalence of hypertension in pregnant women, namely 75 pregnant women. Early efforts to identify hypertension in pregnancy can be done by knowing the risk factors, whether they can be changed or not. The aim of this research is to find out what factors influence the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women in the Singkarak Community Health Center work area in 2023 with a cross-sectional research design. The research was carried out on 14 November – 14 December 2023. The population was pregnant women who were in the work area of the Singkarak Community Health Center, who were taken using porpusive sampling. The number of samples was 91 people. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with interview techniques. Then the data is collected and processed computerized using Chisquare analysis. The results of the analysis showed that there was a relationship between age, parity, history of systemic disease, obesity and history of hypertension with the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women in the working area of the Singkarak Community Health Center with respective P values of 0.002, 0.029, 0.002, 0.018 and 0.036. The conclusion is that age, parity, history of systemic disease, body mass index and history of hypertension are risk factors for hypertension during pregnancy. It is recommended for pregnant women to pay attention to this factor so that they can plan their pregnancy well and always maintain their health if this factor is present in a pregnant woman.
Keywords : Factors, Incidence Of Hypertension
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32883/mchc.v6i2.3154
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Maternal Child Health Care
Published by Midwifery Department
Universitas Fort de Kock Bukittinggi, Indonesia
© Maternal Child Health Care e-ISSN : 2686-0007 ISSN : 2686-4665