Refliny Yulia Fitri


Composite Index Of Anthropometric (CIAF) is a tool to measure nutrition, especially to identify children with several anthropometric failures. From WHO data estimates 52 million children under 5 years are thin, 17 million people are very thin and 155 million are short, while 41 million people are obese. About 45% of deaths among children under 5 years of age are related to malnutrition. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of Composite Index of Anthropometric (CIAF) at the age of 24-59 months in Sijunjung District, Padang Pariaman and West Pasaman.

This type of research is quantitative with Cross Sectional research design conducted in May-August 2018. The research population amounted to 9,164 children from three districts namely Sijunjung District, Padang Pariaman and West Pasaman. Samples in the study of children aged 24-59 months with a total of 267 children. The analysis used is univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis.

The results of this study using logistic regression for the most dominant factors influencing the CIAF event, namely the family economy with P value 0,000 (OR 10,503).The conclusion of this study is that of the three districts that influence the incidence of CIAF are the maternal education and family economy. Posyandu cadres are expected to better monitor the health of the field so that children can report nutritional problems in more detail.


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