Muthia Sukma, Rahmi Fithria, Mahira Salsabila, Fariz Ananda Putra, Saminur Muzaqi


Background: Currently, cases of bullying and mental health disorders are increasing in educational institutions. Some incidents of suicide in students are due to the high psychological pressure of the victim. The label of the strawberry generation as a fragile generation is also closely attached to the identity of today's teenagers even though they are the nation's hope for the future. The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out if there is a relationship between bullying and mental health disorders in junior and senior high school students in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera. Method: This study was an observational study using a cross-sectional design. The sample was students aged 15-18 years totaling 118 respondents. Sampling is carried out by a multistage stratified clustered sampling technique. Collected data were gender, age, ethnicity, religion, parents' income, education, and occupation. The data was processed using the Chi-Square method with a confidence degree of p < 0.0.5. Results: There were 12.71% of bullying cases and 89% of mental disorders in junior and senior high school students. The results of the analysis showed no association between bullying and mental health disorders (p = 0.670, p > 0.05. Conclusion: This study showed no significant association between bullying and mental health

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32883/hcj.v9i1.2927


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