Noise in the rice milling industry is around 88 dB, exceeding threshold value, making it a potential physical hazard that can cause hearing loss. This study aims to analyze the effect of noise intensity on hearing loss in rice mill workers. This research is an analytical observational study with a cross sectional research design. The sample are 32 workers and was selected using simple random sampling techniques. Data collection included interviews using a questionnaire, measuring noise intensity using a Sound Level Meter, and examining a tuning fork. Data were analyzed using logistic regression tests and presented in table and narrative form. Based on the research results, most workers are >40 years old with >5 years of service, have no history of illness and do not use ototoxic drugs. In addition, four of the five sampling points had noise intensities exceeding 85 dB. Bivariate results with a significant value of 0.05 show that age (p-value=0.014), length of service (p-value=0.028), and noise intensity (p-value=0.028) have a significant influence on workers' hearing loss. Meanwhile, history of illness (p-value=0.110), use of ototoxic drugs (p-value=0.950), and length of exposure (p-value=0.371) had no effect on workers' hearing loss. Suggestions for industry include installing dampers on machines to reduce noise, organizing work shifts, and providing ear protection for workers.
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