Fitrianola rezkiki


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a state of systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure of more than 90 mmHg. Hypertension is associated with abnormal cholesterol total cholesterol, where the presence of dyslipidemia increases the risk of hypertension. Cholesterol is a risk factor that can be changed from hypertension, so the higher the total cholesterol level, the higher the possibility of hypertension. Cholesterol examination is one of the first steps to detect hypertension complications. The purpose of this study is to determine the cholesterol levels of people with hypertension in the kelok Dipo and Guguak Panjang sub-districts. The results of this study are the increased relationship between cholesterol and hypertension. The Activity Method that is carried out is early detection of hypertension by checking cholesterol. Based on the results of research found that some people in the Tarok Dipo Subdistrict, Guguk Panjang District (90%) have Hypertension of Degree 1 and for (10%) another level 2 hypertension. While from the research the date obtained that the community in the tarok village dipo identified 60% cholesterol above normal and for those not identified cholestrol there werw as much as 40%. It can be concluded that the majority of people have hypertension grade 2 and are identified as having above normal cholesterol. It is recommended that the community routinrly check blood pressure and intensive helath workers provide counseling about hypertension and its causes.

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