mila sari, Abdi Iswahyudi Yasril


Garbage is one of the problems that should be considered. The utilization of waste must be prioritized before the occurrence of environmental pollution that interferes with public health. The purpose of this devotional activity is to conduct SASUPI (Sampah Sumber Pitih) in Padang Kandis Health Center. This method of activity is in the form of counseling and implementation of SAUPI activities. The results of the activity there are students who are in school will bring or collect inorganic waste in their respective schools. Every Saturday the puskesmas and usila will put the inorganic waste to each school and do weighing for garbage that has been collected by each students.  Garbage will be paid perkilogram of Rp.2000,- garbage that has been weighed will be under the existing kegudang dipuskesmas and used as handicrafts by the group usila. Based on the results of activities that have been carried out, it is expected that the public can make waste as their economic turnaround so that waste management becomes better.

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