Rini Amelia, Debby Yolanda, Diana Putri


Anxiety during pregnancy that is not treated seriously will have a physical and psychological impact on the mother or fetus. The impact of this anxiety can disrupt the uterine muscle contractions at the time of delivery, the continuation of the mother's psychological problems until after delivery, and the psychological condition of the baby which can also affect the baby. experiencing disturbances, and the interaction between mother and child is not well established. Another impact of anxiety is increasing pain during delivery, muscles become tense and the mother gets tired quickly, so there is a risk of prolonged labor. The fatal complication that can occur from this is maternal death. Ways to reduce anxiety levels can also be with hypnosis using the 5 finger technique. Individuals or clients are helped to change perceptions of anxiety, stress, tension and fear by accepting suggestions on the subconscious threshold or in a relaxed state by moving their fingers on command.

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