Fitria Fatma, Ardakia Oktorilyani, Hazanita Jumiaty


The Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 32 of 2017 that the content of water that can be used as clean water and drinking water has an Iron (Fe) content of 1 mg/l. Based on the situation analysis conducted by sampling 3 community dug wells in the working area of the Nilam Sari Health Center, the Fe (Iron) parameter exceeded the Fe (Iron) parameter, namely the first sample was 5.8 mg/l, the second sample was 8.6 mg/l, and the third sample was 2.18 mg. /l. The high content of the chemical Fe in the water will disrupt public health. Therefore, efforts need to be made to treat clean water so as to reduce Fe levels. Through community service activities, materials are created from unused organic waste, namely egg shells that are processed into eggshell powder which functions as an adsorbent to absorb Fe levels in clean water. Egg shells contain protein (amino acids) as an active compound in the adsorption process. Based on trials conducted by Fitria Fatma's research (June, 2022) it can reduce Fe chemical before treatment by 3.78 mg/l and after treatment by 0.94 mg/l. By utilizing eggshell waste, of course, reducing the pile of garbage in the environment.

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