Adolescent nutritional status is very important to support growth and development. Adolescent girls are at a higher risk of developing anemia than male adolescents because women experience menstruation every month, so they lose a lot of iron. According to the 2018 Riskesdas data, the prevalence of anemia in Indonesia is 48.9% with the proportion of anemia in the age group 15-24 years. Adolescent girls who experience anemia will cause impaired fitness, and make adolescents not in a fit condition when exercising so that it can reduce adolescent performance. Health promotion activities through checking nutritional status and checking Hb in adolescents can be used as an alternative to determine the nutritional status and Hb levels in young women. The purpose of carrying out community service is to find out the nutritional status and Hb levels in young women whether they have anemia or not. This community service was carried out one day at MTSN 1 Bukittinggi City. The method used is providing counseling, measuring height and weight and checking Hb. The results of this dedication to female students who were examined for Hb and nutritional status of 50 people found80 % in good nutritional status and did not experience anemia. The conclusion from the results of this service with the existence of a government program regarding the administration of blood-boosting tablets to young women is that there are no young women who experience anemia and their nutritional status is good
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