Debby Yolanda, Aulia Ziharani, Ayu Azzahra


According to WHO, 490,000 women worldwide are diagnosed with cervical cancer every month and 80% are in developing countries including Indonesia. The purpose of the event is to raise the knowledge of WUS about how it is detected for cervical cancer. In this community service, the methods used in the study of early detection of cervical cancer are the method of lectures and discussions. The ceremony was held on Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 08.00-10.00 am at Kelurahan Tabiang Banda Gadang Kec.Nanggalo Kota Padang.  Before the investigation of early detection of cervical cancer, the knowledge of the PUS is still low due to fear and expensive costs for the examination. After providing information on early detection of cervical cancer, the PUS wants to test itself for an IVA test. The result of this implementation is an increased knowledge of WUS Early Detection of Cervix Cancer and want to examine yourself for self-examination. Cervical cancer in Indonesia is a major problem in health care as most patients arrive in advanced stages. Therefore, there is a need for improved information on early detection of cervical cancer in order to increase the care of the WUS to maintain reproductive health, so as to prevent cervical cancers

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Empowering Society Journal
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