Fitria Fatma, Abdi Iswahyudi Yasril, Shantrya Dhelly Susanty


In modern times, in the era of very rapid development of science and technology, it influences social developments that occur in society, especially teenagers. Based on April 2018 data, it is estimated that there are 25 thousand LGBT people in West Sumatra, with an estimate of more than 14 thousand non-waria MSM, 2,500 waria, and more than 9 thousand waria customers. In 2022, in the January-April period, 139 people were found to be infected with HIV. Interestingly, in the last five years HIV cases have been discovered due to casual sex. Especially members of the same sex, MSM. The city of Bukittinggi has more than 50% LGBT cases.

Adolescence is a time when an individual experiences a transition from one stage to the next and experiences changes in emotions, body, interests, behavior patterns, and problems also arise. Adolescents who do not receive attention and supervision of their children's social development from their parents or family have the potential to look for peers who have peers to confide in and are more open to friends. So that bad friends will lead teenagers to become involved in teenage deviant behavior.

The aim of this community service is to increase the knowledge of teenagers at SMA N.1 Banuhampu regarding deviant teenage behavior. The methods used are interactive lectures, questions and answers, and evaluations. Results of counseling conducted on students regarding the impact of deviant behavior in teenagers on online games, LGBT and the environment. It is necessary to carry out outreach and outreach regarding the impact of LGBT, online games and promiscuity .

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