Rini Amelia, Diana Putri, Intan Julianingsih, Wiwie Putri Adila, Ririn Oktavani


Providing good nutrition for mothers during the postpartum period is one program that can reduce maternal mortality. Nutritional needs during the postpartum period, especially when breastfeeding, will increase by 25%. In some cultures, abstaining from food in postpartum mothers can affect nutritional intake. The nutritional needs of postpartum mothers are greater because apart from forming breast milk (ASI), during the breastfeeding process, it is also useful in the recovery process after giving birth. There are still many postpartum mothers who do not eat nutritious food, abstain from eating certain foods that should be really needed by postpartum mothers. Education activities regarding nutritional needs for postpartum mothers can be used as an alternative to determine the mother's level of knowledge about the mother's nutritional needs during the postpartum period. as an effort to improve the health of mothers and children. The aim of community service is to provide education about the postpartum period, the goals of postpartum care, and the nutritional needs of mothers during the postpartum period. The method used is to provide counseling to postpartum mothers at BPM "E". Results: 20 postpartum mothers were given test counseling. Conclusion: with the outreach activities, it is hoped that this can increase postpartum mothers' knowledge about the nutritional needs of postpartum mothers.

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