Public bridge access in Indonesia that still does not meet health requirements to make public health quality decreases. West Sumatera Province has 79.77% access to healthy latrines and still defecate 20.22%. In the year 2019 access to public latrines in the working area of Puskesmas Pasar Usang is 77.5% and there are still 22.5% that have not had access to the latrines. The purpose of this research is to know the type and condition of the community Jamban in Nagari Sungai Buluh Selatan, Padang Pariaman Regency year 2020. This type of research is descriptive, which describes the type and condition of the community in Nagari Sungai Buluh Selatan year 2020. Sample of this study as much as 45 houses. Data is obtained through field observation using a checklist. Data processing is done by computerized, and inspection results are presented in the form of frequency distribution table. The results of the study showed that the type of latrine used by the community were, 75.6% goose neck + septic tank, goose neck 11.1%, goose neck + 4.7%, and 6.7% goose latrine. The condition of the community toilets in Korong Kayu Kapur and Gunung Kanter, which is 80% eligible and 20% does not meet the requirements. For the community who do not have a latrines qualifies to be expected to hold a healthy latrines by working together to build a bridge in order to create a healthy family, and for people who have the latrines qualifies to pay attention to the condition of the crest to not be a place of disease caused by feces.
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