Noise is a mixture of various unwanted or health-damaging sounds. Noise is one of the environmental health problems in big cities. Road traffic is the main source of noise that disturbs most urban communities.3 Highway noise levels can reach 70-80 dB. The purpose of this study was to determine the intensity of noise and disturbance felt by traders on Jalan Permindo, Padang City in 2018.
This research is descriptive in nature, that is, it describes how to describe the intensity of noise and disturbance felt by traders on Permindo Street, Padang City in 2018. It was carried out on Permindo Street, Padang City in 2018. The time of this research is planned from January to May 2018. The population is all traders who are in the city of Padang. in an open-air shop on Jalan Permindo, Padang City, with a total of 312 traders. The primary noise data was obtained by measuring the noise source on the Permindo road.
The results of the study are known that the noise intensity on Jalan Permindo Padang City with the highest measurement at point 3 is 71.73 dBA, as many as 52 traders feel high complaints about noise intensity (92.9%), it is known that as many as 26 traders experience psychological disturbances to noise intensity (46.4 %), it is known that as many as 34 traders experience communication problems with noise intensity (60.7
%), it is known that as many as 35 traders experience hearing loss to noise intensity (62.5 %).
According to the results of the study, it was explained that the local government of the city of Padang is expected to do additional tree planting so that it can function as a buffer (sound muffler).
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