Imelda Rahmayunia Kartika, M Azizul Alfarizy, Fitrianola Rezkiki


One of the palliative care carried out by nurses is caring for cancer patients. Cancer is one of the chronic diseases that has the highest mortality rate throughout the world. In 2023, the population of cancer sufferers will be 493 people with 8.7% of patients dying. Cancer patients experienced very severe back pain and their knowledge of pain management was unknown. This study aims to look at the description of pain and knowledge of pain management in cancer patients. This research uses a quantitative research design with a descriptive analytical approach which aims to analyze the results of research on cancer patient pain management. This study took a sample of 221 cancer patients at the Surgery and Cancer Clinic of Dr Achmad Mochtar Hospital using a sampling technique, namely Accidental Sampling. The measuring tool used in this research was a pain management knowledge questionnaire. Questionnaire questions were taken from NOC (Nursing Outcome Classification). The data analysis used was descriptive frequency to see a variable description of cancer patients' knowledge about pain management. The results of this study illustrate that the level of knowledge is still low (44.8%). The role that most often answered don't know was knowledge about the correct dose of medication to relieve pain (mean = 2.493, SD = 0.600).  There remain difficulties in achieving effective cancer pain management, which may result in intractable cancer pain. Therefore, more education and training programs are needed for professionals in the field of cancer pain management. Additionally, patients, caregivers, and the public need a more general awareness and capable level of knowledge regarding cancer pain management.

Keywords: palliative, cancer patient, pain management

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