Beban Kerja Mental dan Kinerja Perawat Pelaksana Saat Pandemi Covid-19

Emil Huriani, Mahatir Mahatir, Yonna Affim


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused an increase in the need for health services and health workers, especially nurses. As a consequence, nurses received heavy pressure and demand to be able to maintain and improve performance in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Apart from that, high demands from society created a mental workload for nurses. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between mental workload and the performance of implementing nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This quantitative research with a cross sectional design was conducted on 66 nurses who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic at Andalas University Hospital. Data collection was carried out in August-November 2021. The research instruments were performance questionnaires and NASA-TLX for mental workload. Data analysis used the chi square test. Results: The research results showed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses had moderate performance with the lowest performance sub-variable was implementation. Nurses had a heavy mental workload with the highest sub-variable was mental demands. Conclusion: There was a relationship between mental workload and the performance of implementing nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic (p value = 0.000). It is hoped that Andalas University Hospital will pay more attention to mental workload, especially the mental demands of treating patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Mental Workload, Performance, COVID-19


Mental Workload, Performance, COVID-19

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